Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Brief History of Tasmania

, as you can plainly see, is a blue island half a centimeter to the south of Australia. At least 35,000 years ago there was an ice age and Tasmania was still connected to the mainland. Some Australian Aborigines migrated to Tasmania and were left there, isolated, when the glaciers melted and raised sea levels, about 14,000 years ago. Here is what one Aborigine looked like:

As the millennia passed, Tasmania's rainforests expanded, grasslands developed, and temperatures rose. The Aborigines were organized into different "bands" of 50 people or more. They hunted with clubs, short spears, and stones, claimed their own land, and numbered several thousand by the time Dutch navigator Abel Tasman first found them in 1642.

Europeans started settling in Tasmania around 1800, and proceeded to abduct, rape, and kill the Aborigines. Only 47 were alive fifty years later, and the last may have died in 1876. Currently there are Aboriginal-European survivors. In 1995 the state returned 12 sites to the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, giving this genocide story a fresher feel to it.

As for the European settlers, they experienced moderate growth from 1800 until the 1870s, when gold, silver, and lead were discovered throughout the island. This prompted a deluge of international prospectors (especially the Chinese), creating several new settlements. Queenstown in particular was ravaged by mining, logging, fires, and heavy rains. It has regained some of its topsoil and terrain over the past few decades. Conservation and industry interests are still in contention.

Tasmania also served as Australia's prison, as ludicrous as that seems. Convicts who committed additional crimes in Australia would be shipped to Tasmania's prisons, where conditions were so terrible that inmates killed each other just so they could temporarily leave prison for a trial.

Well, that's where I'm headed tomorrow! Wish me luck! I'll try to leave a post in a week or so.


Anonymous said...

this is all so exciting! i didn't know you were going to the land down under. i hear there's a clown fich, marlin, looking for his son or something like that. Ih ope you have a wonderful time, i wish you the best of luck, and be sure that i will be reading frequently!

Erin R

Nandita said...

good luck with the car....and arriving in one piece :)


Anonymous said...

Hey, hope you're having fun in Tasmania, Adam!


Anonymous said...

I hope you have been having a wonderful time soo far in the far away land beneath the equator! Now that I've found your blog, I'll check it often :)
Enjoy yourself Adam!!

your amazing sister said...

haha, the self portrait is wonderful

dork. : )

love ya